Is our public “health” care system really encouraging health care? Let’s take a look at what health actually is to answer this question. Even according to the WHO, health is, “a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”. So what is the public health regime care promoting right now? Social distancing. Masking. Isolation. Lockdowns. Vaccines. Fear.

Aside from the mountain of scientific evidence and pleas from real health care professionals, it does not take a genius to weigh out how unhealthy all of the above are. Yet the alarming rates of suicide, violence, crime and poverty all directly resulted from lockdowns are ignored to highlight the fear of a virus that on record kills less than 0.5% of the population (even this number is an over estimation).

When we can step outside of the smoke of propaganda and fear, it’s that simple. So, to any rational, level headed person, it’s obvious that avoiding the virus is not actually the intent here. Why shut down businesses that have never been a threat? Why neglect children from activities and socialization when children it’s nearer to impossible for children to get sick from this virus? Why obsess over chemical antimicrobials when we know it’s unhealthy and impossible to live a sterile life? Why inject an experimental vaccine that has been said by the manufactures to have serious side effects including death, while not even effective in preventing transmission?

We all know these ‘measures’ are not health promoting. Let’s just all come out and admit it now before we accept Google’s new dictionary definition of health to meaning, “a state of dependency of chemicals and centralized dictatorship”.

Remember health is a state of balance. Where all your organ systems are functioning harmoniously. We have this innate ability and when we naturally allow and encourage these processes, we have homeostasis, health.

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